Pakistan: Housing ecosystem analysis and entry points

This work was carried out under the Infrastructure and Cities for Economic Development (ICED) facility.

ICED supported DFID country offices, central teams and ODA-spending Other Government Departments to deliver DFID’s Economic Development Strategy by scaling up programming and investment in infrastructure and cities. It operated between February 2016 and July 2019.

The ICED Facility supported DFID Pakistan to conduct a short pre-scoping study to better understand and identify potential entry points to improve the affordable housing market in Pakistan.

Engagement in the housing sector offers DFID Pakistan an opportunity to integrate programming related to poverty reduction, household financial stability, job creation, inclusion, environment, resilience and climate change. Potential interventions are informed by DFID’s cross-cutting initiatives such as environmental and climate related challenges, and social equity. The executive summary with key findings from the work can be found here.




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