Delivering disability-inclusive infrastructure in low-income countries

This work was carried out under the Infrastructure and Cities for Economic Development (ICED) facility.

ICED supported DFID country offices, central teams and ODA-spending Other Government Departments to deliver DFID’s Economic Development Strategy by scaling up programming and investment in infrastructure and cities. It operated between February 2016 and July 2019.

This document has been developed in response to DFID’s commitment to provide guidance and support on disability-inclusive infrastructure(DII). It sets out key enabling features to deliver infrastructure as part of a journey to leave no one behind.

The document sets out key challenges and opportunities in legislating for, designing and financing DII, and provides guidance on how to achieve the cultural changes that will be needed to effectively empower people with disabilities.

Opportunities include:

  • Policy and legislative frameworks: Adoption and incorporation into local standards, policies and procedures.
  • Policy enforcement: The role of civil society, professionals and cultural adoption.
  • Inclusive design: Universal design, the infrastructure lifecycle and co-creation.
  • Information and data: Understanding disability inclusive infrastructure needs and monitoring DII implementation.
  • Cultural and behavioural factors: Influencing social norms improves DII roll-out.
  • Finance: The economic case for DII, and the role of budgeting and procurement.

This guidance is intended for use by donors, NGOs, governments, civil society and private sector stakeholders involved in the delivery of disability inclusive infrastructure and committed to ensuring that infrastructure is made accessible and inclusive for persons with disabilities.

Each section sets out key issues to consider, presents detailed case studies demonstrating effective implementation of DII principles, and cites key reference materials. It provides insights into what has worked and what lessons have been learned from a range of programmes and initiatives that aim to deliver inclusive infrastructure.




Gender, disability and inclusion
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